Friday, September 28, 2012

Rosalie is two months old!

Monday, September 24, 2012

I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I would like but being a mama is HARD. Its awesome and there's nothing else that I would rather be doing everyday but its defiantly harder than I ever thought it would be. I'm hanging in there though. Breastfeeding is going awesome and she is a big eater. Shes growing so fast! Tomorrow we go for her two month visit to get her first set of shots. : ( 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

She's Here!

She's here! Well actually shes been here for about six weeks now but things have been crazy around here to say the least. Rosalie Grace Stovall was born July 25th 2012 At 1:30 p.m.. She was 7lbs 1oz and 19in.

 The board in our room all of the 500 people that came in to bother us wrote on.

Baby girl wrapped up like a little burrito. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

More Baby shower pics and few random phone pics

More baby shower pics!

 I was blinking...haha whats new

My sister in law and her super cute fruit tray she made!

David's aunt Dora and his Grandma...Love them!

Me and my friend Amy (who is also expecting! : ) )

Opening gifts! Rosalie is one blessed little girl!

David's aunt Vicki writing advise for me

This is just a random belly shot. 32 weeks!!

An after picture of the cake. It was sooo good! My sister got it from my favorite bakery in my home town. They also made mine and David's wedding cake.

My sister, brother in law, and nieces all came down from Kentucky. I was very tired in this pic from doing "princess hair and nails" all morning long! I guess I got to practice a little for the future!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Shower!

My baby shower was this past weekend! Baby Girl got a TON of outfits! I of course forgot my camera and my cell phone so I had to settle with the ones other people happened to take.

David didnt stay the whole time. He just help me load everything.

cake! Plain but delicious!

 Super cute baby stroller cared melon done by my sister in law.

Me and Rosalie!

From left to right: my mamma, my sister Kelle, my sister Erin, my sister Tara, Me and baby, My sister in law 
Lisa, and her daughter Haylee.

Some of mine and David's baby pictures

Me with my sisters and mom

Im 32 weeks today and cannot wait until she's here!! If I ever get her room done then I plan on posting a few pictures. Oh yeah and three of the couples that were friends with have found out that the are expecting the past couple of months. Looks like Rosalie will have lots of little friends to have play dates with someday. : )

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random pics from my phone

We put together baby girl's crib last night.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Well everything has been going great! I'm now 19 weeks along and yesterday we found out the gender of this little person and we are having......................A LITTLE GIRL!!!!!
We could not be happier!! I felt like we were having a girl all along but at our last Dr.appt her heart rate was 140 so i thought it must be a boy. Turns out we just have a laid back little girl. I teared up when the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl. I never realized how bad I wanted a girl until now. David is super excited too. He keeps asking how his girls are doing. I cant wait to see him with her....I cant wait to just see her! I thought once I knew the gender I would be satisfied for a while but now I'm dying for her to be here! Every little kick and roll I want to hold her even more!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.

BTW My walls are not purple there blue grey. That's just what happens when you use instagram.

I'm blogging from bed this morning. Not because I sick (even though I have felt better) but because this weather makes me lazy. I'm always frustrated that I don't blog more but then I still don't do it like I should so this morning I decided that I would make myself haha! I've been doing good so far a little crappy off and on but I know that its all well worth it.

My birthday was last week. (Im 25) We went and ate at our old standby and then went home and watched movies. Nothing too exciting but it was nice. This weekend I think were going to try to get away and go on a little weekend trip. I'm excited to get away for a little.

Everybody has been trying yo give David and I baby names suggestion. We have trouble agreeing on names. I tend to go for the old lady/old man names and he goes for every names of someone I went to high school with. lol . While the names he chooses are not bad I just cant help but think of the person I knew with that name first. I don't know maybe I'm weird but I cant help it.
So I started reading hunger games a few days ago and four days later I've already read books one and two. I'm about to download three on my kindle. Yes, Its a little ridiculous that I get so obsessed when I find a good book and yes I have tons of laundry to do instead but you know what? I'm going to be a full time mom in July and I will be begging for some free time to read so I am living it up until then. There good books though if your looking for something to read. I just hope the movies are as good as the books!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well its been a while since I've blogged. It almost started to seem like I wasn't coming back ...but I'M BACK! I'm back with plenty of excuses why I've been gone so long. We get almost no internet service at our new house, I was busy planning a Christmas program (Which went over without a hitch!). Then we had holidays and busy family time oh yeah and my final excuse; Growing a baby is a lot of work! You read right! I'M PREGNANT! I'm 13 weeks and finally in my second trimester! YAY! We decided to wait to tell people but the baby is doing great. He or she is VERY active and has really long legs. During the sono it looked like they were trying to climb out of my belly. Hehe! We are very excited and cant wait to see if were having a little man or lady.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Foster Parent Orientation

[I wrote this last night forgot to publish it]

Well last night I attempted to stay up all night and wait for David to get off work so I could maybe get some packing done and then go to sleep with him when he comes home. Well I am definitely not as young as I used to be. I made it to 3am and passed out (That was even after a Red Bull.)

Tonight we went to our first foster parent orientation meeting. It went well I think. It started off a little slow but by the end everyone was making jokes and laughing. There were four couples including us and one single lady. We basically went over a giant folder full of papers and forms that was handed out. I'm a little nervous because we each have to write a four page autobiography. EEK! I don't mind writing at all its just the writing about MY life I'm not so crazy about. Ive always been insecure about my achievements in life or lack thereof and I really think the devil is trying to to play on that with this assignment. David on the other hand almost seem excited about it. I'm glad one of us is. We also went over the requirements of our home study. We still have lots of things to do like vaccinations for kitty, inspections, smoke detectors, child proofing, ect. and with Davids schedual this may be a long drawn out process. What keeps going through my head is "If God sees you to it than He'll see you through it." Which I know is true. God lead us up to his piont so I have faith that he will help us through this.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Are you living the American Dream?

Im reading Radical by David Platt.

House, Nightshift and Orientation

Well now that we have a new house we've been working our butts off to make it nice. The previous owner left quite a mess. I was tole by them that they didn't like to clean and there is definitely evidence of that! We have been in a worlewind of cleaning, painting, refinishing cabinets and floors. David was supposed to be off on vacation but they called him yesterday and told him that if he wanted a promotion then he could start tonight. Ugh! Its a blessing but at the same time a curse. On one hand its a promotion which means he will now be out of the elements and get to sit in a truck all day and tell people what to do (he works in the oil field) but at the same time hes starting off working nights : (. That will definitely slow down out moving process. One good thing though is that tomorrow night will be our first orientation meeting for being foster parents and they let him off work to go! Yay! Were excited but at the same time a little nervous. I will definitely up date you on how it goes. The orientation is with Bair agency. We had researched several but this is the only meeting that we have been able to go to so were hoping that its a God thing and that this one is the right one for us.